What’s your Story?

What’s your Story?
In the big story… what’s your line?
In a noisy world, it’s tough to build a strong brand. You need to communicate a powerful message — and that means you need strong writing.
Anyone can learn – and apply – the techniques used by professional copywriters. Strong calls to action, compelling benefits, magnetic headlines.
No need for a pro then. Right?
Right. If you’ve got the time, the ability – and you’re not too close to your subject matter.
A strong, successful brand has a big idea and a strong story. Great stories stand out in a crowded media landscape.
Digital media offers powerful new ways to tell your story, and to create an immersive, two-way dialogue with your audience.
So. How will you stand out?
To stand out, you need to stand for something. Something your audience truly cares about.
The trick lies in delving deeper than your Unique Selling Point. Find an idea that resonates with your audience; a big idea.
Finding your big idea
Here’s a powerful way to find your idea and communicate it.
What’s important to your audience?
What does your brand need to communicate to meet those objectives?
You’ll need to develop stories around that sweet spot. Craft every tweet, post and video creatively, and underpin them with the right brand message consistently.
Here’s a 7-step plan:
1.Look at your competitors – and the big brands. Where do you see yourself in the market?
2.Ask your customers, review feedback – use it. Guinness turned ‘takes too long to pour’ into the strapline: ‘Good things come to those who wait’
3.Where do you add value?
What are your aspirations?
Are they achievable?
Can you live it?
Rolls Royce played on … ‘at 60mph the loudest noise you’ll hear is the clock’
4.Now put into words all that you stand for. Don’t try to be all things to all men. Find one idea that underpins everything in your positioning statement.
5.Now for the big idea. What will you use? Your heritage? (HSBC, the World’s local bank) A funny play on words (Schweppervescence)? A fact (only Dove is ¼ moisturiser).
6.Make it personal. Humanise your story.
7.Remember, big ideas resonate. They create new ways of thinking. And a conversation.
That will give you a starting edge at least, on the competition.
Time to get thinking. Or onto a good copywriter….
Guest post by Jo Rawlinson, The Raw Creative.
What’s your story? Let us know below.