Empower Your Business With Marketing Mentoring

Do you want to improve the effectiveness of your marketing and develop a focused strategy and plan to achieve results?

Our Marketing Strategist Mark Harris has been selected as an expert by The Marketing Centre to deliver the '360 Marketing Mentoring Programme' which helps you to achieve your goals.

It is a structured programme of development aligned to your business targets and provides the right balance of support and ‘holding to account’ to ensure progress is made.

360 marketing mentoring programme

How the programme is delivered

The programme is delivered in 2 hour sessions on a regular weekly basis. Most of the interactions are via video call, with occasional face to face meetings where required. All activity is tracked on an online dashboard which enables a single view of agreed goals and timings, and close monitoring of progress. We understand this is a commitment whilst you are running your business which is why the process is structured yet has the flexibility to accommodate the needs of every business and their unique circumstances.

Why use a marketing mentor?

  1. Achieve more than you thought possible with a limited time input
  2. Benefit from the experienced support of a proven marketing expert
  3. Agree targets and goals and monitor progress towards them
  4. Flexible approach can be targeted to address your most pressing needs
  5. Spans the full 360 of marketing from lead generation, to retention to brand
  6. Develop new skills and learning for you and your team
  7. Cost effective solution that delivers return on investment
marketing planning

What is covered in your programme?

In the first working sessions we build an understanding of your business goals, what value proposition you offer, how you are differentiated from your competitors and vitally, agree what the targets are for your 360 Marketing Mentoring programme.

You will have your own dashboard which includes all the Marketing Centre online resources that you can use throughout the programme. We agree waves of activity, each action related to your business and mentoring goals. Mark will then work with you to implement these actions, through a weekly call.  At the end of each wave of activity we review progress, cross check the actions for the next wave and make sure we’re progressing towards your goals.

Get in touch today to discover how on-boarding Mark Harris as your experienced marketing mentor will help your business flourish.