A great year for the The Kileva Foundation

A great year for the The Kileva Foundation

The Kileva Foundation is a charity in Kenya which I support and donate to. This year has been a successful year for them and they have managed to achieve great things.

They have provided educational supplies, sports equipment, uniforms, food and water and much more to Kileva Eastfield Primary School in Kenya. They have also been able to provide medical supplies to Kileva Medical Dispensary in Kenya.

Although the Kileva foundation is very successful they are still struggling with funding on areas such as building maintenance and school outings. Due to limited funding, building maintenance, events, school outings/competitions, medical supplies and the farm moving forward can no longer be guaranteed.

Since 2007, Kileva has been a charity very close to my heart. If you feel like donating to support Kileva then you can either text KILE01 5 to 70070 to give £5 or go to http://www.kilevafoundation.co.uk/index_files/Gifts.htm

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