5 Ways You Can Use LinkedIn as a Lead Generation Tool

5 Ways You Can Use LinkedIn as a Lead Generation Tool

LinkedIn is a great platform for connecting, finding work and sharing content. But have you ever thought of using LinkedIn for lead generation? Read our top 5 tips.

  1. Engage with your connections by liking, sharing and commenting on their posts. All LinkedIn users feel a sense of satisfaction when their posts spark engagement. If you’ve got something interesting to say about your connections posts then say it! Pay particular attention to those who you would like to do business with.
  2. Send a direct message to connections you haven’t spoken to in a while. Why not simply message your connections asking how their work is going and maybe suggesting a catch up? This is a great way to re-open doors that may have closed.
  3. Join and contribute to LinkedIn Groups. Why not think outside your network? Join relevant groups to your industry and contribute to discussions. By engaging in LinkedIn Groups you are increasing the awareness of your profile and your business. Share your expertise and knowledge, provide links to articles you have written relevant to that topic to encourage them to visit your website. You can also post your blogs directly into groups as another way of sharing your expertise with group members. You might want to think about starting your own LinkedIn group. Do some research into which groups already exist on LinkedIn and fill a gap that you see to be viable. This can help promote your business and skills by creating a space to chat and discuss topics relevant to your group and your business. Remember to let your LinkedIn connections know about your group by posting an update.
  4. Write interesting and informative articles and post them onto LinkedIn Pulse. LinkedIn Pulse is LinkedIn’s article platform. This is a great opportunity to show off your expertise and skills with your connections and will increase your brand presence. Your posts could lead to new opportunities. Why not include video’s, images and snippets to bring your articles alive.
  5. If you send email campaigns are you sending them to your LinkedIn connections? Sending email campaigns to your LinkedIn connections is easy, you simply export the connections to your email software, meaning your business gains greater publicity and awareness by expanding your emailing list with warm prospects. You can do this by clicking on the following link https://www.linkedin.com/people/export-settings

Need help with your LinkedIn Marketing campaigns? Please drop me an email mark@marketingboost.co.uk.

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