5 Tips for Effective Lead Generation in 2017

5 Tips for Effective Lead Generation in 2017

Lead generation, especially in a connected, content-rich world, is a multi-step process. While prospects may be halfway through the process before they contact you, don’t expect them to buy your services immediately. If they are not ready to buy yet, tell them your story, educate them with your knowledge and expertise and allow them to reach out to you when, where and how they wish to do so.

Here are 5 simple tips to help you generate more enquiries for your business.

  1. A prominent call to action – every website has at least one page of content. What do you want your visitors to do at the end of it? Is the call to action clear? Is the contact information on your website mobile-friendly? Do you publish articles or press releases? If so, do they contain links to your contact form, email address and internal links to your services pages? Content marketing is more likely to fail when the recipient of the message isn’t clear about what to do with it. Help them to buy from you.
  2. Are you gathering customer data from other places on your website or social media channels and better yet warming them up for a sale? If you only have a contact form why not think about adding an email newsletter sign up button, free guide or whitepaper, free assessment, or membership offer to expand your reach? This doesn’t just have to sit on your website but can also be pinned on your social media channels.
    Once you have the data, start thinking about your lead nurturing strategies to educate prospects throughout their buying journey, this is a great way to warm them to you. That way, new leads become familiar with your company over time, and once they are ready to engage with your company, you will have a much better chance of them becoming a customer.
  3. Ensure your marketing messages are relevant and engaging. Think about the world through your customers’ eyes. Each one of us is inundated by marketing messages that are irrelevant. Take the time to pay attention to what your audience wants to hear and learn. Eliminate waste, and create marketing that adds value to your audience. More importantly, make sure that your focus is on engagement, not on sales. When writing your content do not be afraid to give too much away, provide people with enough information and tips to make them want to pick up the phone and find out how you can help them.
  4. Are you making the most of your contact database? So many businesses hold a database of contacts and do nothing with it. Think about how you can reach out to your prospects or existing clients. Don’t let this data go to waste when it could be bringing in new business or waking up a lapsed customer. Use regular marketing channels like email, LinkedIn, and direct mail to stay in touch and inform your contacts of relevant content and news that adds value.
  5. Have a strategy or find a marketing coach to create one. Your marketing strategy is a living, breathing, dynamic thing. It moves with your business and the market, it should adapt to results, business changes and customer needs. You must measure activity and adjust your strategy accordingly on a regular basis. For example, by studying the behaviour of your website visitors, you will get critical clues on how to refine strategies to improve engagement and conversion over time. Let’s face it, we all know this, but why does it fall to the bottom of our priority list? Make a personal commitment to move it to the top of your list.

Good luck implementing the right tip for your business to generate more enquiries. If you want to find out more about how your company can win new business email us here.

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